In the story Of Mice and Men there are a lot of Human Predators. The one that stuck out to me was Curley’s Wife. I say this because she always trying to militate someone. When Lennie broke Curley’s hand Curley’s wife tried to find out who did it so she can tell everyone about it. She used Lennie because he is slow to find out things and to get him into trouble. She also uses George; she flirts with him and does sexy things around him so he can get into trouble.
“Look in to my eyes deeper, deeper.” When Lennie broke Curley’s hand Curley’s Wife was all up in Lennie and George face to see if she could get him to tell the true. When She asked George and he said it got court in a machine she turned and asked Lennie because she know that he was going to slip up.
She also is the type of person that takes advantage of people that are not that bright because before she died Lennie told her that he was not suppose to talk to her and she told him that George would never find out. That she would not get into any trouble if he was to talk to her, but she lied cause he did eat into trouble because he killed her and George had to kill him
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Service Learning
Dear Staff
My service Learning group has come up with an idea to make Classroom Containers Gardens and we would like your help to make our idea become a big success. Our plans will go into to action in the fall. If you would let us put Container Gardens in your class it will help you beautify your classroom. It also will help with oxygen. If you like this idea please sign below by your name also circle if you would like to have some one in your class water your plant or someone from the garden group.
Circle One:
Garden group or Student in your class
Mr. Brasof:
Garden group or Student in your class
Mr. Carpenter:
Garden group or Student in your class
Mrs. Klose:
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Mr. Todd:
Garden group or Student in your class
The Garden Group
My service Learning group has come up with an idea to make Classroom Containers Gardens and we would like your help to make our idea become a big success. Our plans will go into to action in the fall. If you would let us put Container Gardens in your class it will help you beautify your classroom. It also will help with oxygen. If you like this idea please sign below by your name also circle if you would like to have some one in your class water your plant or someone from the garden group.
Circle One:
Garden group or Student in your class
Mr. Brasof:
Garden group or Student in your class
Mr. Carpenter:
Garden group or Student in your class
Mrs. Klose:
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Garden group or Student in your class
Mr. Todd:
Garden group or Student in your class
The Garden Group
Friday, May 30, 2008
Service Learning
I Shawanda Smith took time out of my day during my 6/7 class, I took it a pound my self and went to Dr.Davison office and asked him if we could put plants around the school and in side of class rooms. We set down and talked about what kind of plants we were going to pant around our school. I said that we were going to plant plants with out pollen. He said that this was a good idea because we have many people in our school that have alleges. We talked about how this could help out our school this is some ways
1. More oxygen
2. Make our school ore beautiful
3. Bright our school up a little
So yes we do have approval from Dr. Davison and you will be hearing from me with the Agreement of staff
1. More oxygen
2. Make our school ore beautiful
3. Bright our school up a little
So yes we do have approval from Dr. Davison and you will be hearing from me with the Agreement of staff
Class Quiz
1. How would you describe Lennie and George friendship?
A.Lennie and George friendship could be described as brotherhood. “George you look after me and you look out for you” George is like the big brother between them because he looks out for Lennie, and he keeps him out of trouble. Lennie is the little brother of them to because he is always in trouble he always runs to George when he is in trouble or needs help.
2.True or False
When Lennie is fighting Curly, George jumps in and helps him.
A. False. When Lennie and Curly were fighting he called for George to help him but he didn’t he made him fight back and learn to stand up for his self.
3.When Lennie was fighting Curly, what was the lesson that George was teaching Lennie.
A. He was teaching him that he was not always going to be there for him that he needs to learn to stand up for his self and learn to fight back. That he should not let people beat on him.
4. Who is the head of the group that everyone looks for when there is a big decision?
A. Slim is like the head of the group because when Carlson wants to kill Candy’s dog before Candy say’s it’s ok he looks at Slim for support. Also when Lennie kill’s Curly’s wife Slim is the last
One to say something before they go out to kill Lennie.
5.Who killed Lennie and what was the last thing the person said to him.
A. George was the one that killed Lennie and his last words “were people will never mess with you and you will have all the rabbits you can tend.
6.Where did Lennie and George come from before they went to the ranch and what is the name of the ranch they are at.
A. Lennie and George came from Weed because they had to run away. They ran away because Lennie tore a women’s dress and she freaked out and ran away, then guy’s came after them and they ran away. The place that they came to was Tyler Ranch.
7. What were some handy caps the men had in the story?
A. Candy only had one hand and he also is alone. Lennie is a big guy but he does not have a big brain, he is not that smart. George is a small guy but he is smart. He is not as strong as the other men because he is not strong. Curly is a small man in a big man’s world. He is always around all these big men so he has to act big
They got their big house and Lennie got to tend the rabbits?
A. This question is not true or false because no Lennie really did not move out and go to there own home but he really did in some type of way. When Lennie died he can tend all the rabbits that he wants to even if he hurt them.
9.Who slept in the barn with the horses? And why
A. Lennie B. George
C. Crooks D. Candy
Crooks slept in the barn because he was black and they said that he stunk
10.How did you feel about the story? Did you like it yes or no why or why not?
A.I loved this book I would read this again with no problem. I did read this read this book before I read this book in the 5th. I was a good book then and now it’s a very good book in the 10th grade. I would recommend this book to everyone that enjoys reading.
A.Lennie and George friendship could be described as brotherhood. “George you look after me and you look out for you” George is like the big brother between them because he looks out for Lennie, and he keeps him out of trouble. Lennie is the little brother of them to because he is always in trouble he always runs to George when he is in trouble or needs help.
2.True or False
When Lennie is fighting Curly, George jumps in and helps him.
A. False. When Lennie and Curly were fighting he called for George to help him but he didn’t he made him fight back and learn to stand up for his self.
3.When Lennie was fighting Curly, what was the lesson that George was teaching Lennie.
A. He was teaching him that he was not always going to be there for him that he needs to learn to stand up for his self and learn to fight back. That he should not let people beat on him.
4. Who is the head of the group that everyone looks for when there is a big decision?
A. Slim is like the head of the group because when Carlson wants to kill Candy’s dog before Candy say’s it’s ok he looks at Slim for support. Also when Lennie kill’s Curly’s wife Slim is the last
One to say something before they go out to kill Lennie.
5.Who killed Lennie and what was the last thing the person said to him.
A. George was the one that killed Lennie and his last words “were people will never mess with you and you will have all the rabbits you can tend.
6.Where did Lennie and George come from before they went to the ranch and what is the name of the ranch they are at.
A. Lennie and George came from Weed because they had to run away. They ran away because Lennie tore a women’s dress and she freaked out and ran away, then guy’s came after them and they ran away. The place that they came to was Tyler Ranch.
7. What were some handy caps the men had in the story?
A. Candy only had one hand and he also is alone. Lennie is a big guy but he does not have a big brain, he is not that smart. George is a small guy but he is smart. He is not as strong as the other men because he is not strong. Curly is a small man in a big man’s world. He is always around all these big men so he has to act big
They got their big house and Lennie got to tend the rabbits?
A. This question is not true or false because no Lennie really did not move out and go to there own home but he really did in some type of way. When Lennie died he can tend all the rabbits that he wants to even if he hurt them.
9.Who slept in the barn with the horses? And why
A. Lennie B. George
C. Crooks D. Candy
Crooks slept in the barn because he was black and they said that he stunk
10.How did you feel about the story? Did you like it yes or no why or why not?
A.I loved this book I would read this again with no problem. I did read this read this book before I read this book in the 5th. I was a good book then and now it’s a very good book in the 10th grade. I would recommend this book to everyone that enjoys reading.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Service Learning
Through service learning I have learned the following about myself: That I would not like to work in a garden when I grow up that some times it can be fun but other times it can be boring. I only like when we start planting I don’t like it when we have to work up to planting. I have learned that I am impasent. That I only went to do things before I hear how it is done.
Motifes ( grade this)
“We ride together we die together bad boy’s for life”(Bad Boys). These are words of brother hood. In Steinbeck book of Mice and Men has a strong focus of the power of brother hood. In the story guy’s play together, protect each other, and unite together to kill together.
Must in the morning, smoke in the evening, and anger at night this is the power of brother hood. From morning to night these men work to have the American Dream. Though out the book the main game that is played is cards. For example when Carlson wanted to kill Candy’s dog everyone was around the card table. When Carlson took Candy’s dog out to shoot him George asked the guy’s “Anybody like to play a little Euchre?”. When the guy’s just want time to fly past or have a talk they do it in a game of Euchre.
“Get him, Lennie. Don’t let him do it.” George was on his feet yelling. George put out his hand and grabbed Slim. “ Wait a minute,” “ Get I’m, Lennie...!” Curley’s fist was swinging when Lennie reached for it. The next minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fist was lost in Lennie’s big hand. George ran down the room. “Let go of him, Lennie. Let go.” Lennie watched in terror the flopping little man whom he held. George slapped him in the face again and again, and still Lennie held on to the closed fist. George shouted over and over, “Let his hand go, Lennie. Let him go. Slim help me while the guy still has a hand….” Lennie let him go and fell to the floor. Slim and Carlson ran over to Curly, Slim put his head up and said “ he needs a doctor”. Slim knelt down beside Curley. “ You got your senses in your hand enough to listen?” Curley nodded. “Well you listen, “I think you got your hand caught in a machine. If you don’t tell anybody what happened, we ain’t going to. But you jus’ tell and try and get this guy canned and we’ll tell everybody, and then will you get the laugh.” “ I won’t tell”, said Curley. He avoided looking at Lennie.
Protect and defend, in this part of the story Slim (the leader of the band of brothers) play’s a two sided man, he is protecting Curly from Lennie, so Lennie wont kill Curly, and Lennie from Curly before Curly gets him caned. George is also showing protection for Lennie, because when Curly first started beating on Lennie he told Slim not to interfere in their fight. He was showing Lennie that he should not let people beat on him that he need to protect him self from the world. It was almost like he was showing him that he is not always going to be there to protect him so he needs to learn to protect him self from the world.
Death is the worst way to have to come together in a brotherhood. When Lennie killed Curly’s wife the men joined together to go find Lennie and kill him. George could not just stand there and let them kill Lennie. So he ran off into the woods to find Lennie and kill him before the other men found him. When George killed Lennie his heart broke. He sat stiffly on the bank and looked at his right hand that had thrown the gun away. The group burst into the clearing, and Curly was ahead. He saw Lennie lying on the sand. “ Got him, by God.” He went over and looked down at Lennie, and then he looked back at George. “ Right in the back of the head,” he said softly. Slim came directly to George and sat down beside him, sat very close to him. “ Never you mind,” said Slim. “ A guy got to sometimes.”
Brotherhood is one of the most powerful things you could have with friends. To know that they will always be there for you. Kill with you, play with you, and protect you. If you were to read Of Mice and Men you will learn what true friends are what they will do for you, how they should treat you. If your friends are like Candy and Slim they are true friends. If they are like Carlson and Curly they are not true friends because true friends would never hurt you. They would never went to pick on you because you are slower than others.
Must in the morning, smoke in the evening, and anger at night this is the power of brother hood. From morning to night these men work to have the American Dream. Though out the book the main game that is played is cards. For example when Carlson wanted to kill Candy’s dog everyone was around the card table. When Carlson took Candy’s dog out to shoot him George asked the guy’s “Anybody like to play a little Euchre?”. When the guy’s just want time to fly past or have a talk they do it in a game of Euchre.
“Get him, Lennie. Don’t let him do it.” George was on his feet yelling. George put out his hand and grabbed Slim. “ Wait a minute,” “ Get I’m, Lennie...!” Curley’s fist was swinging when Lennie reached for it. The next minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fist was lost in Lennie’s big hand. George ran down the room. “Let go of him, Lennie. Let go.” Lennie watched in terror the flopping little man whom he held. George slapped him in the face again and again, and still Lennie held on to the closed fist. George shouted over and over, “Let his hand go, Lennie. Let him go. Slim help me while the guy still has a hand….” Lennie let him go and fell to the floor. Slim and Carlson ran over to Curly, Slim put his head up and said “ he needs a doctor”. Slim knelt down beside Curley. “ You got your senses in your hand enough to listen?” Curley nodded. “Well you listen, “I think you got your hand caught in a machine. If you don’t tell anybody what happened, we ain’t going to. But you jus’ tell and try and get this guy canned and we’ll tell everybody, and then will you get the laugh.” “ I won’t tell”, said Curley. He avoided looking at Lennie.
Protect and defend, in this part of the story Slim (the leader of the band of brothers) play’s a two sided man, he is protecting Curly from Lennie, so Lennie wont kill Curly, and Lennie from Curly before Curly gets him caned. George is also showing protection for Lennie, because when Curly first started beating on Lennie he told Slim not to interfere in their fight. He was showing Lennie that he should not let people beat on him that he need to protect him self from the world. It was almost like he was showing him that he is not always going to be there to protect him so he needs to learn to protect him self from the world.
Death is the worst way to have to come together in a brotherhood. When Lennie killed Curly’s wife the men joined together to go find Lennie and kill him. George could not just stand there and let them kill Lennie. So he ran off into the woods to find Lennie and kill him before the other men found him. When George killed Lennie his heart broke. He sat stiffly on the bank and looked at his right hand that had thrown the gun away. The group burst into the clearing, and Curly was ahead. He saw Lennie lying on the sand. “ Got him, by God.” He went over and looked down at Lennie, and then he looked back at George. “ Right in the back of the head,” he said softly. Slim came directly to George and sat down beside him, sat very close to him. “ Never you mind,” said Slim. “ A guy got to sometimes.”
Brotherhood is one of the most powerful things you could have with friends. To know that they will always be there for you. Kill with you, play with you, and protect you. If you were to read Of Mice and Men you will learn what true friends are what they will do for you, how they should treat you. If your friends are like Candy and Slim they are true friends. If they are like Carlson and Curly they are not true friends because true friends would never hurt you. They would never went to pick on you because you are slower than others.
Monday, May 19, 2008
service Learning
1. What have I learned about our group’s topic? I have learned a lot like that my group needs to be broken up into garden group and beautification. I think this because our group is to big and if we break up into a smaller group then we can get more accomplished. I also learned that my group has lots of great idea’s
2. What have I learned about myself through service learning? I learned that I do not like working with people who don’t do anything in a group or don’t care about their grade. That when grades go in and they have an F and they run back to the teacher and ask why when they know that only thing they did all service learning is nothing. I also learned that service learning could be fun if you pay attention and do what your told.
3. If I were in charge of this group I would change? The group should be broken down and we should come to the computer lab and look up things and get or ideas together before we go out and try to start doing things. I say this because then we would be prepared to do our jobs as a garden group and beautification group.
2. What have I learned about myself through service learning? I learned that I do not like working with people who don’t do anything in a group or don’t care about their grade. That when grades go in and they have an F and they run back to the teacher and ask why when they know that only thing they did all service learning is nothing. I also learned that service learning could be fun if you pay attention and do what your told.
3. If I were in charge of this group I would change? The group should be broken down and we should come to the computer lab and look up things and get or ideas together before we go out and try to start doing things. I say this because then we would be prepared to do our jobs as a garden group and beautification group.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Service Learning
/private/Network/Servers/osxserver1.constitutionhs.sdp/Volumes/DataHD/HomeDirs/GY2010/10smiths/Desktop/Service Learning.iMovieProject
Friday, May 9, 2008
Of Mice and Men Symbolism
Stein Beck book of Mice and Men had lots of symbols. The best symbol is Lennie’s puppy. His puppy symbolizes dream, joy, and new begging.
Lennie’s puppy symbolizes dreams, Lennie and George had a dream of having a little house, and couple of acres. A cow, some pigs, and ‘live off the fattest lands’. They were going to have a big vegetable patch, rabbit hutch, and chickens. Lennie would tin the rabbit’s and feed them alfalfa.
Joy was also a symbol of Lennie’s puppy. A puppy is so fun to play with. You can spend time with it, a puppy can listen to all of your problems. A puppy is a great friend, you could never stay mad when you see one. The puppy also brings joy to Lennie and George because ‘George said if Lennie don’t hurt the puppy then he could tin the rabbits”, when they get there own farm. They would be on their own. Where they would live off the fattest lands. They would not have to sleep in no buck house. They would have there own room’s to there self’s. George would tell Lennie “If we don’t like a guy we could tell him to ‘Get the Hell out”. It’d be our own, and nobody could can us. If a friend comes over, why we’d have an extra bunk, and we’d say, “Why don’t you spend the night”? And by God he would.
New beginning is the last symbol of the puppy. When Carlson wants to shoot Candy’s old dog and say’s that he can replace it with one of Slims puppies. When Carlson kills Candy’s old dog it was like shattering his old dreams. The puppy is like building up to Candy’s new future with Lennie and George, and their new farm.
In conclusion the story of Mice and Men showed lots of symbolism. The one that stuck out the most was Lennie’s puppy, because it show’s dreams, joy, and new beginning.
Lennie’s puppy symbolizes dreams, Lennie and George had a dream of having a little house, and couple of acres. A cow, some pigs, and ‘live off the fattest lands’. They were going to have a big vegetable patch, rabbit hutch, and chickens. Lennie would tin the rabbit’s and feed them alfalfa.
Joy was also a symbol of Lennie’s puppy. A puppy is so fun to play with. You can spend time with it, a puppy can listen to all of your problems. A puppy is a great friend, you could never stay mad when you see one. The puppy also brings joy to Lennie and George because ‘George said if Lennie don’t hurt the puppy then he could tin the rabbits”, when they get there own farm. They would be on their own. Where they would live off the fattest lands. They would not have to sleep in no buck house. They would have there own room’s to there self’s. George would tell Lennie “If we don’t like a guy we could tell him to ‘Get the Hell out”. It’d be our own, and nobody could can us. If a friend comes over, why we’d have an extra bunk, and we’d say, “Why don’t you spend the night”? And by God he would.
New beginning is the last symbol of the puppy. When Carlson wants to shoot Candy’s old dog and say’s that he can replace it with one of Slims puppies. When Carlson kills Candy’s old dog it was like shattering his old dreams. The puppy is like building up to Candy’s new future with Lennie and George, and their new farm.
In conclusion the story of Mice and Men showed lots of symbolism. The one that stuck out the most was Lennie’s puppy, because it show’s dreams, joy, and new beginning.
Friday, May 2, 2008
May 1st
Yesterday the garden group want outside for a walk to the Constitution Center to see what were we could put our plants down and what was already there. We learned that some spots in the area had spots that could not grow things and we could not put it there because most likely or plants would not grow there. Our other problems were that they have pipes under the ground that would inter fear with the gardening. At the end of the trip we got together and shared our ideas for the garden.
What we need to improve: I think that we did not pay attention as much as we should have and that we should have been put into small groups and had area’s that we should have been looking at and before our time was up we should have got together at the park to talk about what our group came up with. I think that we would have done more work and got more things covered.
What I think we could do next week: We should get together and talk about what we got done and what we could do to improve the area. We can also talk about or jobs and what we should be doing so we can keep or group in order.
What we need to improve: I think that we did not pay attention as much as we should have and that we should have been put into small groups and had area’s that we should have been looking at and before our time was up we should have got together at the park to talk about what our group came up with. I think that we would have done more work and got more things covered.
What I think we could do next week: We should get together and talk about what we got done and what we could do to improve the area. We can also talk about or jobs and what we should be doing so we can keep or group in order.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
April 28- May 2
What was successful and useful about the meeting? I think that it was when we took a walk around the school and looked around to see what we need to improve in our school.
What challenges or problems did you encounter? When we were walking around we were not papered in any type of way I think that our work was all over the place.
What needs to be worked on for the coming weeks? We need to pick jobs so we can get everything together and be papered for our up coming meetings.
What role will you play in the group/ I would like to be the runner. I would like to run things to different places
What challenges or problems did you encounter? When we were walking around we were not papered in any type of way I think that our work was all over the place.
What needs to be worked on for the coming weeks? We need to pick jobs so we can get everything together and be papered for our up coming meetings.
What role will you play in the group/ I would like to be the runner. I would like to run things to different places
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Empire of the Sun
The movie Empire of the Sun was a great movie. That me and my class mates were able to see in our English class. The movie showed lots of things but the one thing that stuck out the most was the value of family.
Jamie was a wealth British boy who lived in China with his mother and father. When he is separated from his parents because of the war he goes home and try to continue his old life. When that does not work he goes out and try’s to find help. That when he meets a man name Basie who becomes like a father to him. When Basie and Jamie are captured and taken to Soo Chow confinement camp, Jamie attempts to reconstruct his former life by building a family with everyone. He lives with the people at the camp.
Jamie lives with the British but when he does a task for the American’s he is able to move in with Basie and the other American’s but when the American’s turn there back on Jamie and leaves him he goes back to the British who welcomes him back with open arms as if he were one of there kids.
Everyone helped each other out so they could survive. The doctor helped Jamie continue his education, Jamie helps the older people that can not get there own food, he also help people get things that they need. At the end of the movie when the war is all over and Jamie can reunite with his parents he builds another family bound all over again with his mother and father.
In the story the value of family means a lot the Jamie as you can tell. From the doctor helping him, to him helping others, to the British helping him built another family.
Jamie was a wealth British boy who lived in China with his mother and father. When he is separated from his parents because of the war he goes home and try to continue his old life. When that does not work he goes out and try’s to find help. That when he meets a man name Basie who becomes like a father to him. When Basie and Jamie are captured and taken to Soo Chow confinement camp, Jamie attempts to reconstruct his former life by building a family with everyone. He lives with the people at the camp.
Jamie lives with the British but when he does a task for the American’s he is able to move in with Basie and the other American’s but when the American’s turn there back on Jamie and leaves him he goes back to the British who welcomes him back with open arms as if he were one of there kids.
Everyone helped each other out so they could survive. The doctor helped Jamie continue his education, Jamie helps the older people that can not get there own food, he also help people get things that they need. At the end of the movie when the war is all over and Jamie can reunite with his parents he builds another family bound all over again with his mother and father.
In the story the value of family means a lot the Jamie as you can tell. From the doctor helping him, to him helping others, to the British helping him built another family.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
April 21-25
Thursday meeting was based on ideas we had some great ideas
What we did: We want on a walking tore of the school and tried to find out what we could do to make the school more beautiful. The one good idea that we talked about was the glass case that should be in our school to show off all the awards that students and teachers got that has do with our school for example: NHD meddles, Teachers awards, ect. We think that this should go on the wall in the lobby when you first come in. Our other ideas were that we should make a little sitting area outside of our school for people to sit down and enjoy there free time in the morning but most of all to make the school look even more beautiful outside. Our last idea was a wall of pictures that showed the first and second graduation class to show who we were and how we grow over the years. The garden group and the school beautician made up these ideas.
What questions do you still have about your mission and role in your group? When are we going to be able to put these plain in action?
I would like to do the job of Researcher because that was my job last year and I think that I would be a great person for this job. I also think that because I love to look up things and I am a very reliable person. I would love to do this job.
What we did: We want on a walking tore of the school and tried to find out what we could do to make the school more beautiful. The one good idea that we talked about was the glass case that should be in our school to show off all the awards that students and teachers got that has do with our school for example: NHD meddles, Teachers awards, ect. We think that this should go on the wall in the lobby when you first come in. Our other ideas were that we should make a little sitting area outside of our school for people to sit down and enjoy there free time in the morning but most of all to make the school look even more beautiful outside. Our last idea was a wall of pictures that showed the first and second graduation class to show who we were and how we grow over the years. The garden group and the school beautician made up these ideas.
What questions do you still have about your mission and role in your group? When are we going to be able to put these plain in action?
I would like to do the job of Researcher because that was my job last year and I think that I would be a great person for this job. I also think that because I love to look up things and I am a very reliable person. I would love to do this job.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Two hundred and twenty years ago, a group of men gathered of men gathered. They wrote a document about the sin of slavery. Words on a parchment would not be enough to deliver slaves from bondage, or provide men and women of every color and creed their full rights. We hold common hopes, that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction. Towards a better future for of children and our grandchildren. Obama is the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas. He was raised with the help of a white grandfather and a white grandmother. He is married to a black woman who carries within her the blood of slaves and slave owners. He has brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, uncles and cousins, of every race and every hue.
By: Shawanda Smith
4/9/08 8-9
By: Shawanda Smith
4/9/08 8-9
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Bladder Cancer
Specific genetic mutations may account for nearly one-third of all bladder cancers.The bladder is an organ in the lower abdomen that stores urine after it is released from the kidneys until it is passed out of the body. Bladder cancer is the fifth most common type of cancer in the United States and causes approximately 13,000 deaths annually. Bladder cancer occurs predominantly in elderly men and less frequently in women and younger men.As knowledge regarding the practical application of genetics moves forward in the medical arena, the identification of specific genetic mutations that place an individual at a higher risk of a specific cancer may allow for appropriate screening.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Bloom's Taxonomy

1.Knowledge - What happened when Jack and Bigger left the pool room?
-When they left the pool room they went to tehe movie theatre.
2. Comprehension - What differences exist between Bigger and Buddy?
-Bigger is the son that does not listen to his mother, he is also the man of his house. Buddy is the obedient son. He cares about his family.
3. Application - What factor cold have possibliy changed if Bigger was th eone found in the fire place?
-The incident wouldn't have made it to the press because he was blacka nd he already had a record.
4. Analysis - What were some of the motives behind Bigger starting a fight with us?
-Bigger was scared of robbing Old Blum's and Gus wasn't sure the he wanted to rob him so they started fighting.
5. Synthesis - Can you see a possible solution to Bigger scaring his sister with the rat?
-There could have been more possible solutions for Bigger when he killed the rat. He could of just tookthe rat to the trash like his mother asked him. Being the disobedient son instead of listening to his mother he scared his sister.
6 Evaluation - How would you have handled the situation when Mary told you that she wasn't going to the university?
-If I was the driver and she told me she was going to meet a friend and she wasn't going to the university I would of drove her where she wanted to go. Even though by doing that I could of got in trouble by her parents I wouldn't of cared. If I would of got in trouble I would of just took the blame because I know her parents wouldn't of believed me. Since I was black I could of lost my job and her parents wold of believed her because they think she is a good girl.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Missing: Where Could They Be?
This is Shawanda Smith reporting from the scene of Mr. Dalton house this was the last place that Mary Dalton was seen. Copes have one person in custody a negro man about 20-years old. He is said to be Mr. Dalton driver. The nigger boy said that Mary is not missing but has run away. That is all on this story but if you have any information about this case call the free hotline. Hope to have more information about this case and back to you Dimitris.
This is Shawanda Smith reporting live from what is now a crime scene. It has been 4days from the last time that I reporting and asking you for help to find Mary Dalton who was said to be missing. In this house behind me is were Mary’s body lay she was found in side if the furnace it is said that here body was burned for so long that only bones were found. Her head was not located with her body when they found the head it was badly beaten her head was cut off. There is now a man hunt for Mr.Dalton driver a nigger that goes by the name Bigger Thomas if you know the were about of Bigger Thomas feel free to call.
This is Shawanda Smith reporting live from what is now a crime scene. It has been 4days from the last time that I reporting and asking you for help to find Mary Dalton who was said to be missing. In this house behind me is were Mary’s body lay she was found in side if the furnace it is said that here body was burned for so long that only bones were found. Her head was not located with her body when they found the head it was badly beaten her head was cut off. There is now a man hunt for Mr.Dalton driver a nigger that goes by the name Bigger Thomas if you know the were about of Bigger Thomas feel free to call.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Shawanda knows this book
Chapter 3- Shut up and drive
this part in the book is when Bigger just started working for Mr.
Delton and he had to take Mary any were that she wonted to go and she just turned into another person she stared smoking and she asked Bigger was he going to tell.
I think that Richard Wright wrote this part in the book because he people have to personality for example Mary was a good girl when she was in the house with her family but when she is by her self she gets drunk and smoke
this part in the book is when Bigger just started working for Mr.
Delton and he had to take Mary any were that she wonted to go and she just turned into another person she stared smoking and she asked Bigger was he going to tell.
I think that Richard Wright wrote this part in the book because he people have to personality for example Mary was a good girl when she was in the house with her family but when she is by her self she gets drunk and smoke
Shawanda knows this book
Chapter 1- Get down or laydown
Gus walked in side late for the jod and biiger know that it was not to late to go but he had to pick a fight so they would not have to go rod a white man. When Gus came in to the pool hall Bigger made a fool of him he beat him up and then he put a knife to his neck and made him lick it.
I think this part was made because he wonted to let people know that even if you are big and you try to act big but there is always a weak spot in you that you are always scared of something and but you have to act big in font of your friends so they think that you are not scared of anything.
Gus walked in side late for the jod and biiger know that it was not to late to go but he had to pick a fight so they would not have to go rod a white man. When Gus came in to the pool hall Bigger made a fool of him he beat him up and then he put a knife to his neck and made him lick it.
I think this part was made because he wonted to let people know that even if you are big and you try to act big but there is always a weak spot in you that you are always scared of something and but you have to act big in font of your friends so they think that you are not scared of anything.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Shawanda Knows this book
Chapter 2 - Nightstick 29-31
This chapter is about Bigger and Jack in the movie thearter masterbating and talking about how they wish there girlfriends were ther and what they would do to them if they were there.
I think that Richard Wright wrote this part in the book because he was trying to be funny an tell what boys talk about and do when there girl friends are not around and what boy talk like and how they act.
This chapter is about Bigger and Jack in the movie thearter masterbating and talking about how they wish there girlfriends were ther and what they would do to them if they were there.
I think that Richard Wright wrote this part in the book because he was trying to be funny an tell what boys talk about and do when there girl friends are not around and what boy talk like and how they act.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Answers to Interview
1. What is your name? Charles Mathew
2. How old were you when you were taken from your home to the camp? 10 years old
3. What were you doing at the right before you were taken from your home? I was sitting in my house on a Saturday it was around 10:00 am I was laying on the floor witching TV my mom was making breakfast my dad was up stairs getting dressed for work.
4. How did the people come and take your family? About 4 men came to my house they came in from the back door and grabbed my mom when she started screaming I ran and called my dad he came running down the stairs and these men had guns and told us to get in the truck when we went out the house I looked around and seen almost all most my hole block being forced out their homes. I broke away from the man and tried to run to my mom but they pulled me away. I was screaming and crying then they took her away I thought it was because how I was acting but all the women and men were apart.
5. What were your emotions when they took you out your home and put you into a train to take you to the camp? I did not know were I was going until my father started crying and said “I know that this day would come but I never come so soon I wish I would have just took my family away from here when I first heard of it. Why did I wait for them to come its all my fault?” I did not understand why he was saying this so I asked and he just kept saying its all my fault. So then I just got scared and just kept saying I went to go home but my father aid that this is our new home that we are starting a new life. I was upset because I did not get to take any of my things say good by to all my friends but we had to just go.
6. How did you feel when you first stepped foot onto the campsite? I was just looking around. Asking my self why did we come here why did we leave our house to come to a place were it was all dusty and dirty. So I asked my father then he just got mad at me and told me to shut up.
7. Who from your family were taken with you? My mom, dad, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I only saw my aunts, and my girl cousins once because we were in different camps.
8. What were your emotions when you where taken away from your mother? I was hurt it was like my mom was dead and she was never coming back who was going to take care of e when I got sick. I just wanted my mother back just one more hug, kiss just to tell her I loved her I wanted my mother so bad every day I cried y self to sleep because I missed my mother.
9. When did you find out that you would never see your mother again? How did you feel? When we got all put in our rooms I asked my father were was we going to see mother again and he just started crying and set my down and said to me “one day pray to god one day.” I just cried because I know that he was saying never I was so hurt I wonted to ask so many questions but I just didn’t.
10. What was your reaction when you were put to work in the camp? When they got me up and told me to put my things on I thought that they had a school but when my father lead me to a room were there was coil and logs I just looked and asked what am I to do with this and before my father could say and thing some man walked over and said shut up and get to work. I was only 10 years old I did not went to work I wanted to go to school I didn’t went to work.
11. Did you have any friends at the camp? Are they still alive or were they killed at the camp? Yes some kids from my school were there and some of my friends were there that I was already friends with were there also. Some 4 of them are still alive and the rest are dead. Tom, Mike, Bill but Andrew just past away in 2000. We are all still friends.
12. When they started killing kids and old people how did you feel? I thought that I was going to be next I did not went to die I was so scared.
13. Did you work harder once you found out that you would be killed if you did not work? I started working as hard as I could in order for me to stay alive I did not wish to die.
14. Who was killed from your family at the camp? Everyone was killed from my family except for my mother when it was all over and I saw her again I was so happy even though I was sad because my father was killed and my family was killed.
15. When were you able to go home? How old were you when you came home? I was alb to come home when I was 18 I do not remember the day but I remember my happiness when I saw my mother I was so happy only thing we could do was cry she said that if she did not get out soon that they were going to kill her because she was old I just held her and cried we had to be holding on to each other for like 1 hour in he same spot I never thought that I would see my mother again.
16. When you were able to go home how did you feel? I was happy because I wanted to get out of that place and start a life of my own when we came home we had no place to stay so we had to move with my grandmother in Philadelphia and I just stayed here from that day.
17. What was it like to experience the Holocaust? It was like hell in there you got no sleep, if you were sick you had to still go to work. When you went to eat you couldn’t because you had to eat when everyone ate. Even though it was slop you ate it because you had nothing better to eat. It was a painful, sad, and upsetting place to be. I would never wish this on anyone I will always remember the pain and hurt from that place. I lost a lot of family in that place and I never will forget it.
18. Thank you for your help.
By: shawanda s
1. What is your name? Charles Mathew
2. How old were you when you were taken from your home to the camp? 10 years old
3. What were you doing at the right before you were taken from your home? I was sitting in my house on a Saturday it was around 10:00 am I was laying on the floor witching TV my mom was making breakfast my dad was up stairs getting dressed for work.
4. How did the people come and take your family? About 4 men came to my house they came in from the back door and grabbed my mom when she started screaming I ran and called my dad he came running down the stairs and these men had guns and told us to get in the truck when we went out the house I looked around and seen almost all most my hole block being forced out their homes. I broke away from the man and tried to run to my mom but they pulled me away. I was screaming and crying then they took her away I thought it was because how I was acting but all the women and men were apart.
5. What were your emotions when they took you out your home and put you into a train to take you to the camp? I did not know were I was going until my father started crying and said “I know that this day would come but I never come so soon I wish I would have just took my family away from here when I first heard of it. Why did I wait for them to come its all my fault?” I did not understand why he was saying this so I asked and he just kept saying its all my fault. So then I just got scared and just kept saying I went to go home but my father aid that this is our new home that we are starting a new life. I was upset because I did not get to take any of my things say good by to all my friends but we had to just go.
6. How did you feel when you first stepped foot onto the campsite? I was just looking around. Asking my self why did we come here why did we leave our house to come to a place were it was all dusty and dirty. So I asked my father then he just got mad at me and told me to shut up.
7. Who from your family were taken with you? My mom, dad, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I only saw my aunts, and my girl cousins once because we were in different camps.
8. What were your emotions when you where taken away from your mother? I was hurt it was like my mom was dead and she was never coming back who was going to take care of e when I got sick. I just wanted my mother back just one more hug, kiss just to tell her I loved her I wanted my mother so bad every day I cried y self to sleep because I missed my mother.
9. When did you find out that you would never see your mother again? How did you feel? When we got all put in our rooms I asked my father were was we going to see mother again and he just started crying and set my down and said to me “one day pray to god one day.” I just cried because I know that he was saying never I was so hurt I wonted to ask so many questions but I just didn’t.
10. What was your reaction when you were put to work in the camp? When they got me up and told me to put my things on I thought that they had a school but when my father lead me to a room were there was coil and logs I just looked and asked what am I to do with this and before my father could say and thing some man walked over and said shut up and get to work. I was only 10 years old I did not went to work I wanted to go to school I didn’t went to work.
11. Did you have any friends at the camp? Are they still alive or were they killed at the camp? Yes some kids from my school were there and some of my friends were there that I was already friends with were there also. Some 4 of them are still alive and the rest are dead. Tom, Mike, Bill but Andrew just past away in 2000. We are all still friends.
12. When they started killing kids and old people how did you feel? I thought that I was going to be next I did not went to die I was so scared.
13. Did you work harder once you found out that you would be killed if you did not work? I started working as hard as I could in order for me to stay alive I did not wish to die.
14. Who was killed from your family at the camp? Everyone was killed from my family except for my mother when it was all over and I saw her again I was so happy even though I was sad because my father was killed and my family was killed.
15. When were you able to go home? How old were you when you came home? I was alb to come home when I was 18 I do not remember the day but I remember my happiness when I saw my mother I was so happy only thing we could do was cry she said that if she did not get out soon that they were going to kill her because she was old I just held her and cried we had to be holding on to each other for like 1 hour in he same spot I never thought that I would see my mother again.
16. When you were able to go home how did you feel? I was happy because I wanted to get out of that place and start a life of my own when we came home we had no place to stay so we had to move with my grandmother in Philadelphia and I just stayed here from that day.
17. What was it like to experience the Holocaust? It was like hell in there you got no sleep, if you were sick you had to still go to work. When you went to eat you couldn’t because you had to eat when everyone ate. Even though it was slop you ate it because you had nothing better to eat. It was a painful, sad, and upsetting place to be. I would never wish this on anyone I will always remember the pain and hurt from that place. I lost a lot of family in that place and I never will forget it.
18. Thank you for your help.
By: shawanda s
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
My thoughts on school religion I don’t feel any type of way about other peoples religion. I only don’t like it when people say that some people’s religion is not true. When people don’t accept others peoples religion. Because of there belief. My mother is Muslim and my father is to but my father was not raised in a Muslim religion. So when I go to my dad’s side of the family they try and make us eat pork because they don’t accept my families chose. In my household we are able to choose what we wish to believe in. Some times in school when some students talk about god they make it seem like any other god is not true. When we had to go in the Jews museum some people would not go into the pray hall because they were Muslim and the teachers made it a big deal and took points off of there grades. I do not think that it is right because it was against there religion and I don’t feel that they respected it. That is what I think about this subject.
By: shawanda smith
By: shawanda smith
1. What is your name?
2. How old were you when you were taken from your home to the camp?
3. What were you doing at the right before you were taken from your home?
4. How did the people come and take your family?
5. What were your emotions when they took you out your home and put you into a train to take you to the camp?
6. How did you feel when you first stepped foot onto the camp site?
7. Who from your family were taken with you?
8. What were your emotions when you where taken away from your mother?
9. When did you find out that you would never see your mother again? Who did you feel?
10. What was your reaction when you were put to work in the camp?
11. Did you have any friends at the camp? Are they still alive or were they killed at the camp?
12. When they started killing kids and old people how did you feel?
13. Did you work harder once you found out that you would be killed if you did not work?
14. Who was killed from your family at the camp?
15. When were you able to go home? How old were you when you came home?
16. When you were able to go home how did you feel?
17. What was it like to experience the Holocaust?
By: shawanda smith
1. What is your name?
2. How old were you when you were taken from your home to the camp?
3. What were you doing at the right before you were taken from your home?
4. How did the people come and take your family?
5. What were your emotions when they took you out your home and put you into a train to take you to the camp?
6. How did you feel when you first stepped foot onto the camp site?
7. Who from your family were taken with you?
8. What were your emotions when you where taken away from your mother?
9. When did you find out that you would never see your mother again? Who did you feel?
10. What was your reaction when you were put to work in the camp?
11. Did you have any friends at the camp? Are they still alive or were they killed at the camp?
12. When they started killing kids and old people how did you feel?
13. Did you work harder once you found out that you would be killed if you did not work?
14. Who was killed from your family at the camp?
15. When were you able to go home? How old were you when you came home?
16. When you were able to go home how did you feel?
17. What was it like to experience the Holocaust?
By: shawanda smith
Anne frank was a young girl in her teen who was telling her story about how her family was hiding out because they did not went to go to a concentration camp. I think this fact is important to my project because she was there and she wrote this book first hand and how she felt and what she went throw.
By shawanda smith
Anne frank was a young girl in her teen who was telling her story about how her family was hiding out because they did not went to go to a concentration camp. I think this fact is important to my project because she was there and she wrote this book first hand and how she felt and what she went throw.
By shawanda smith
Friday, January 4, 2008
Topic Choice Essay
Topic Essay
Brandon and I are doing our project on World War 1.We choose to do our project on World War 1 because as we looked it up it was a great and powerful War. There’s a man that lives next door to my grand mom who was in the war and I believe that his story would be a powerful story and would have a great impact on our project it would help people be able to know about the war first hand and second hand. We would tell the story of how some of his friends were killed in the war, how he got married before the war. How he did not know if he would go back home to his wife and family that he would cry everyday, and pry that he could one day see his family once more. We are going to do some reach on the Internet and go to the Constitution Center to get more information about this war and why it happened. We are going to look at some history books and go to the library. We believe that we could learn a lot about this war because it was one of the greatest wars in history. We also believe that this would take us to a great place in history. We are going to do a poster board so people could get a good look at the facts that we have. So they could get a better look fist hand at some of the meddles that the man has. We are going to talk to him about the war on a tape recorder and take pictures with him and all his tattoos that he has from the war.
By: Shawand and Brandon 12-13-07 American History NHD The great World War 1
Brandon and I are doing our project on World War 1.We choose to do our project on World War 1 because as we looked it up it was a great and powerful War. There’s a man that lives next door to my grand mom who was in the war and I believe that his story would be a powerful story and would have a great impact on our project it would help people be able to know about the war first hand and second hand. We would tell the story of how some of his friends were killed in the war, how he got married before the war. How he did not know if he would go back home to his wife and family that he would cry everyday, and pry that he could one day see his family once more. We are going to do some reach on the Internet and go to the Constitution Center to get more information about this war and why it happened. We are going to look at some history books and go to the library. We believe that we could learn a lot about this war because it was one of the greatest wars in history. We also believe that this would take us to a great place in history. We are going to do a poster board so people could get a good look at the facts that we have. So they could get a better look fist hand at some of the meddles that the man has. We are going to talk to him about the war on a tape recorder and take pictures with him and all his tattoos that he has from the war.
By: Shawand and Brandon 12-13-07 American History NHD The great World War 1
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