Friday, May 2, 2008

May 1st

Yesterday the garden group want outside for a walk to the Constitution Center to see what were we could put our plants down and what was already there. We learned that some spots in the area had spots that could not grow things and we could not put it there because most likely or plants would not grow there. Our other problems were that they have pipes under the ground that would inter fear with the gardening. At the end of the trip we got together and shared our ideas for the garden.

What we need to improve: I think that we did not pay attention as much as we should have and that we should have been put into small groups and had area’s that we should have been looking at and before our time was up we should have got together at the park to talk about what our group came up with. I think that we would have done more work and got more things covered.

What I think we could do next week: We should get together and talk about what we got done and what we could do to improve the area. We can also talk about or jobs and what we should be doing so we can keep or group in order.

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