Thursday, June 5, 2008


In the story Of Mice and Men there are a lot of Human Predators. The one that stuck out to me was Curley’s Wife. I say this because she always trying to militate someone. When Lennie broke Curley’s hand Curley’s wife tried to find out who did it so she can tell everyone about it. She used Lennie because he is slow to find out things and to get him into trouble. She also uses George; she flirts with him and does sexy things around him so he can get into trouble.

“Look in to my eyes deeper, deeper.” When Lennie broke Curley’s hand Curley’s Wife was all up in Lennie and George face to see if she could get him to tell the true. When She asked George and he said it got court in a machine she turned and asked Lennie because she know that he was going to slip up.

She also is the type of person that takes advantage of people that are not that bright because before she died Lennie told her that he was not suppose to talk to her and she told him that George would never find out. That she would not get into any trouble if he was to talk to her, but she lied cause he did eat into trouble because he killed her and George had to kill him

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